Librarian's plan the Way-Bp's blog about serving all of us
April 27, 2011
Then I was thinking in the middle of the night one time.... What is a person to do to test a new career to try to serve the community, to use the talents you have, and to do it on a minor show with a major impact way that may give you contacts for the future and that should decidedly help you build a good grounding???? what do i tell all my library customers that have been out of the market for a while that are working on building new modern office skills and languages----volunteer using transferable talents. I applied to the home city where I live city clerk's Office so the Mayor would consider appointing me to the Green Team. I went to two test meetings. i think the Councilman who was there will propose the formation of the Committee to the City council to creat the Committe officially. Hopefully I am going to be appointed to serve in some way. I have some ideas of ways i am able to make a difference on this committe and for my city bringing together all of the schooling, background, talents, organization history from career work, knowledge from workshops attended and...
Posted at: 11:18 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Librarians plan the way BP's blog about improving my own life
April 27, 2011
I thought while i was checking my emails for biz leads i should be improving my own self. Breezed through a Local Community College course book and saw a study class for certification as a Program Manager given by someone in the NJ chapter of Intriguing. examining the web site sounded like all my library career I had been managing programs I had never thought of it that way. Took the course and it was enlightening. The same way Libraries have their own jargon and language most of the time I was learning a new language. The rest of the time I looked at my resume and saw all my "projects" to date in a new view. In the nutshell i loved the class even thought the at home practice study questions were quite tricky. I was not confidant when the course was over in December 2010. I signed up to meet in a casual study group through April 2011. I missed several meetings due to snow and other matters and towards the end i had other things going on in life but I am thinking this is a way to go. Since I am working parttime at the...
Posted at: 11:06 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
April 27, 2011
You may be wondering what I have been up to. I probably must let you know I have started a web site for my part time business ( One and half years later no seekers of knowledge. Talk about shaking up a persons self esteem. I have already been audited by the IRS. Unkown how long they or I are going to allow me to call myself in business before I come realize it seems to be a hobby. To be honest I have not hustled the way a true entrepreneur should. I have always been shy in new situations. Trying to develop myself. took several workshops on Grant writing should some one seek advice on that. Bought several books on coaching including the excellent 10-10-10 by a former Harvard Business Review editor and Jack Welch formerly of GE's wife suzy welch. Excellent book for making life plans.
Posted at: 10:55 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
January 18, 2010
I have been thinking and reading, reading and thinking, and what I have come to the conclusion is that Librarians Plan the Way. It does not matter if I call my self a planner or whether I actually start a company to do it- but the fact remains that I am a Librarian. I am offerring my services for a fee to any small or medium sized business that does not have sufficient funds to maintain an information center on the premisis but some times has the need for a special librarian. I can research topics of interest or the current business climate and help to develop plans that will surely help to move your business forward. Or I can help you get people, places, or things organized so you can move forward with your life. Call me 732-544-5037 for help.
business, librarians, planners
Posted at: 01:38 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Planning Charts the Way
August 4, 2009
It has been a while since I made the time to write upon this blog. My life is changing some areas growing smaller in my mind's pockets some areas getting a little larger and drawing attention. In June I started a company called :
Beyond Planning for Tomorrow. it is an LLC.
I am thinking everyone sits down with a postit note or piece of paper and jots down data about what they need to plan to do tomorrow. But it is getting past that only for tomorrow thinking- to setting up a 3-5 year plan no matter if you get it all done in two years or whether one goal becomes a larger pocket than another. Everyone needs a good 3-5 year plan and an even a longer range outlook to keep things humming or to rev things up to the next level. I can help with this strategic plan. I can research the industry outlook , and research trends among the big players. I can even research novel marketing ideas by small players around in other areas of the country. I can cast a cold eye at your business and see things clearly. Again I have that great insider...
beyond planning for tomorrow, planning, starting something, strategic business plan
Posted at: 03:01 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
September 10, 2008
HERE IS MY VERY GOOD NEWS! -I have graduated this summer - finally earning my MBA degree. It was a long hard struggle but I learned a lot . I am floating on a cloud right now, I am so happy. I am hoping to be able to put it all to work for myself part time if posssible. I have always been a big idea person. I have a knack for organizing people and things as far as knowing what would be the next logical step for them to take along the path of a well thought out and detailed plan of action taking into consideration strengths weakness. Since I read a lot and explore web sites I am usually aware of opportunities to which people should avail themselves.
For that reason, I think I would be equipped and able to write strategic plans for entities on a project by project basis. I see this as a spare time adventure. Not ready to give up my day jobs. Just want to see what we will see.
I will keep you posted.
business, consultant services, mba degree, organizations, part time, strategic plan
Posted at: 11:48 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
September 10, 2008
I am so quite excited about my two recent publications. I am hoping that what I have written about budget funding will be useful to directors of all types of libraries, and to non profit organizations everywhere. I am quite fluffed up about this piece and hope to find some time to push it out n front of others for their information and easy access to information that can be used to get organized and convince others of the need for better funding and financial support for your organization.
The excerpt of the article I wrote about the Seasoned Librarian was printed in the NJLA Reference Section Quarterly August 2008 v4 n3 page 5. I will include it here in case the link given earlier becomes faulty. Hope it can be put to helpful use for someone.....
The Seasoned Librarian The Reference Librarian’s duties have changed over the past 10-20 years. Many times this has involved a member currently on staff- a seasoned librarian. As the duties have changed she has used varied knowledge skills and abilities to evolve as well. The Reference Librarian is uniquely poised to service our library communities. We help...
aged, compensation, librarians, libraries, pay, seasoned
Posted at: 10:55 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
June 18, 2008
I know many times I can be hot headed and passionate. For that I do apologize. After some fits and starts the following (calm) letter was sent to the newspaper. The letter below was published in the Asbury Park Press newspaper of Monmouth County, NJ on Tuesday June 17, 2008 Section A Page 18.:
Few abuse, but many suffer
Pension abuse has been going on in New Jersey for years. Legislation that would end pension benefits for part-time employees catches innocent workers, such as librarians, in the crossfire in an attempt to find some sort of blanket move to end system abuse. ("Pension bills advance, but unions fight," June 13.)
The unintended consequences are a shame. The changes will cause agencies to hire only part timers. It is happening already. The majority will pay for the abuses of a few.
The legislation gives the appearance employees are not valued. Big business and government alike should stop viewing employees as an expense and start viewing them as intellectual capital, as an asset that grows in value over time as they gain in education, skills and knowledge about the enterprise.
It is a shame new hires will be thrown under the bus....
2008, letters to the editor, libraries, pensions, summer
Posted at: 02:32 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
April 27, 2008
I understand the world of publishing is very tough after all. I have a paper i have written about Hiring Reference Librarians that over the course of the past year and a half I have sent to no less that 6 journal Editors to no avail. Gee, it is tough to get published. I am thinking and I am figuring. What can I do?
Perhaps there is a way to have interested persons mail to me a check for a certain amount and their email address and then i could email them the article. But I have to figure
1) how much to charge;
2) how to protectmy bank account;
3) how to trust that that person wont broadcast email the article onto who knows how many friends.
One person suggested to start a Pay Pal account. Does anyone know anything positive about this? All I know is the spam emails I receive from someone saying they are writing about my non existant pay pal account. I really dont know how it really works, etc.
I am thinking and thinking ... any suggestions will be considered. I am wanting to get somethings out to the view so I...
2008, authors lament, bp, compensation, librarians, libraries, pay, publishing, sharing for a fee, spring, writing
Posted at: 04:36 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
February 22, 2008
I am excited. I wrote a Letter to the Editor for our local daily newspaper The Asbury Park Press. My letter titled "Retain Funding of Libraries " was published in the Saturday Febraury 16, 2008 issue on page A15.
Here is a link.
In case that does not work: Here is the text as it appeared:
Retain funding of libraries
Letters to the Editor Asbury Park Press
Services provided by libraries provide an immediate return on the property tax dollar in good times, and even more so in bad times like now. All can find something of value at the library.
Whether it is to supplement your budget with shared access to expensive reference materials, or whether your interest is leisure research on travel destinations or hobbies, or strictly entertainment with best-selling books and movies, the library can provide an immediate return on your tax dollar with items to share through circulation or use. They have computers with printers, valuable databases, and many free programs and events.
These are reasons why our state legislators should take seriously any tampering with the funding formula for public libraries. The current funding formula of a third of a mill...
2008, bp, letters, librarians, libraries, retain funding, winter
Posted at: 08:14 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
February 12, 2008
By now I guess you have noticed I have taken down a what was supposed to have been my second "event" for 2008. Unfortunately, I had projected a positive outcome to my second poster session application but that just did not work out. My application was just not accepted. Chin up, I say to myself, I am just getting started. Keep checking this site . I know now to try not to mention anything unless I am very very sure no matter how enthusiastic I may be. Have a great, great day. bp
2008, bp, events, librarians, libraries, winter
Posted at: 11:45 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
February 6, 2008
I have been writing and have sent something off to an editor for a second review. That is encouraging, I think. I will not believe it until it happens, but I do hope for a summer publication. Keep checking this site for more information.
2008, librarians, libraries, winter, writings
Posted at: 07:00 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink