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WRITINGS OF 2007-2010


 -“The Alternative Minimum Tax and the Library Director’s Salary in New Jersey,” by Beatrice Priestly.  The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances  v20 n1 Pages 10-19.     MARCH 30, 2007

  Link to abstract and ordering information:



 "An Argument On Why The City Should Contribute To The Library Budget In A Means Similar To Corporate Funding Of  R&D,"   by Beatrice Priestly  June 2008  Summer 2008 issue of Library Administration & Management Quarterly v22 n3 pages 125-129.

This publication is produced by the Library Administration and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association.

Here is a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation on library funding

An excerpt of an essay titled "The Seasoned Librarian," by Beatrice Priestly was publblished in the New Jersey Reference Section Quarterly Newsletter August 2008 v4 n3 page 5.

NJLA Reference newsletter


Also  writen and published in 2008:

     "In Favor of the Master  Degree for the Office and Title of Librarian," was written by Beatrice Priestly and published  November/December 2008 in volume 36, Number 6 of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association, Inc. Newsletter pages 5-9.

       This article refuted a proposal by someone to be rid of the requirement for the MLS Degree. In my conclusion I do mention that while it may seem like a plausible rallying cry at first, closer examination may reveal that, the proposal may serve only to absolve new library staff from studying for the degree. For the overwhelming majority of those who work in libraries, this will mean a ratcheting down in economic value of library positions, diminishing respect for the profession, and less effective service to library users.

My own last edited version sent to the Editor is attached here... 

Mema's backyard

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