Writes 2009-
BP Writes In 2009
"Hiring the Reference Librarian" by Beatrice Priestly was published in Library Philosophy and Practice November 2009 .
This journal is published electronically and is available through the Directory of Open Access Journals www.doaj.org Choose the letter L for Journals beginning with the letter L. Then choose Library Philosophy and Practice. Then choose the 2009 Annual volume. Then look for November publications.
Think Positive share views
These times challenge us . At times it seems like the simplest things are a constant struggle. We must try to look closely, to see the positive parts of our lives. I try to stay an optimist. Put one foot in front of the other. Like teaching a child to walk you tell them to practice heel to toe, heel to toe. Soon they are running here and there and you must catch up with them.
Here are some topics that may be helpful.
Monmouth University Library worked on Plans for 2009-2014
Article Published:
"An Examination of the Pay Policy Line in New Jersey Libraries" by Beatrice Priestly was published in The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances December 2009 v22 N4 Pages 106- 122.
Here are links to the NJLA 2007 and the NJLA 2008 salary Microsoft excel spreadsheets I created for the article